My Experience

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • President of „Mechanical Engineering“ operations North America with 6 Mio.US$ in sales and 33 employees

  • Creating of business strategy and planning with founding a legal Incorporation by US law

  • Start up, development and growth a organization with functional departments as personnel and finance, purchasing, project management, mechanical and electrical design, engineering for robots and PLC, logistics, quality and sales

  • Creating an „Idea Management Program“ and establish an „Performance Review“ process with employee feedback on a 3 month regular basis for all employees 

  • Supplier development for local content and cost savings in USA, Canada und Mexico, Purchase of contracts and equipment from Mexico in a value of approx. 1 Mio. US$ in 2004

  • Extended search for customs build standard weld cell in Mexico and China with purchased cells from Mexico

  • Establishing a customer base by technical expertise, trust and responsibility

  • Responsibility for the whole cycle for equipment building

  • Intercultural management, understanding for people, communication and motivation in different countries, acceptance in all levels of business

Technical Experience and Responsibilities

  • Design und build experience for heavy lifting and tool changing equipment

  • Development, build and try out for new working processes for the automotive industry Design standardization for fixturing, tooling, machine components and automotive equipment

  • Creating supplier requirements documents to assure needed characteristics and required quality

  • Project management, design, build and installation, run off and try out for automotive equipment as welding, bending, cutting, conveying, piercing, forming and gaging equipment

  • Turn key and quality assurance with trim line development, dimensional adjustment, welding accessibility and quality, cycle time improvement and overall equipment efficiency (OEE) acceptance requirements

  • Safety and health requirements, operating flow, Kanban, single piece flow, push- pull operations, Poke Yoke devices, waste reduction systems, Kaizen

  • Static calculation and design for the steel construction industry

Sales & Marketing

  • Planning and execution for acquisition - and marketing actions as mailings, presentations, visits and meetings for Tier 2, Tier 1 and OEM customer targets

  • By personnel involvement and customer trust: order winning and price negotiation for several big projects (sales approx. 1 Mio. US$ per project)

  • Product and commercial adjustment and development for the NAO market in difference to European standards as payment terms, warranty and service items, safety and health requirements, automization and loading standard, documentation and spare parts availability, power requirements

  • Development of „SWOT“ processes to compare product and competition and create actions for continuous improvement

  • Creating a benchmark data base with financial information to compare our competitors in revenue, employee status, profit, operation strategy (make or buy), Working Capital and ROCE

Controlling & Finance

  • Project calculation with material and labor cost, external purchasing and contracting and overhead cost

  • Development of calculation standards and feedback processes by after calculation and reviewing and documenting variances, lessons learned

  • Development of business strategies and creating business planning for future grow and financial health

  • Creating and following up of budgets, cost center planning, investment and amortization P & L responsibility and reporting to IAS and US-GAAP standards

  • Verification and decision making about „make or buy“ Bank negotiations about credit lines, fees and interests

  • Supplier negotiation about payment terms and commercial items

  • „Working Capital“/ Cash Flow Management

  • Development of financial data to support decision making process for example investments, salary increases and bonus

  • Regular reporting of financial status and forecasts

International Experience

  • Ongoing supplier development, design standard`s and quality insurance, project`s build in India for European customers

  • 6 month project management support and consulting, sealing products automotive Czech Republic

  • 7-year living and working experience in North America, USA, Michigan and Indiana

  • Supplier search and development for many months in Mexico and China

  • Project management for international automotive projects for customers from Canada, Australia, USA, England, Spain, France

  • Customer care and installation responsibility in Spain and USA

  • Project management and business units establishment in CZ (self employed)

  • Customer development and project execution in India (self employed)

  • 4 weeks „Accelerated Development Programme“, London Business School, / England

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